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Iraqi Pastor Miraculously Survives Car Bomb Without A Scratch

Just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the bible, A pastor from Baghdad has literally survived what looks like a fiery furnace

Pastor Joseph has spoken out about how the Lord saved him from an assassination attempt.
It was a typical day for Pastor Joseph, he had just left his home, hopping into his car, turning the keys in the ignition, and pushing the accelerator as he had so many times before. Only this time, as he began the familiar journey toward his church, he sensed something was different.
Immediately an explosion ripped through the car, violently shaking the vehicle and—at the same time—engulfing it in flames.
CBN News reports that Pastor Joseph sensed that something was amiss the morning of the car bomb explosion. He got into his car and started the vehicle as usual, but seconds later the vehicle erupted into flames as the bomb detonated.
“I was totally confused, and I couldn’t see anymore,” the pastor recalled from that horrific experience.
He also remembered a woman screaming, “This man is dying!”
Though disoriented and in shock, he could hear the woman’s hysterical voice piercing his ears. “This man is dying!” She screamed.
“This is it.” Pastor Joseph resolved. “I am dying.”
And indeed, Pastor Joseph thought he was about the die, but God had other plans.
According to Open Doors USA, despite the flames that surrounded him, Joseph was still able to get out of the wrecked car in the nick of time before it was completely consumed by the fire.
Miraculously, he survived unscathed—not even a scratch on his body.
“Each part of my car was destroyed and damaged, except for my seat.” Pastor Joseph remembered. “I had no scratches. The car was in flames, but I wasn’t burned. I found pieces of glass in my hair and four parts of the bomb in the scarf I had around my neck. As if a scarf could stop a bomb. Nothing touched me, I lost not even a drop of blood.”
The pastor knows it was God who allowed him to survive, and he believes God did so because He still had work for him to do.
“God gave me additional time. He put his stamp on my ministry, He said ‘Go on.’ God encouraged me that day.”
“Each part of my car was destroyed and damaged, except for my seat.” Pastor Joseph remembered. “I had no scratches. The car was in flames, but I wasn’t burned. I found pieces of glass in my hair and four parts of the bomb in the scarf I had around my neck. As if a scarf could stop a bomb. Nothing touched me, I lost not even a drop of blood.”
The pastor knows it was God who allowed him to survive, and he believes God did so because He still had work for him to do.
“God gave me additional time. He put his stamp on my ministry, He said ‘Go on.’ God encouraged me that day.”

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